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Flours and seeds

CHIA SEED x125 $12,971 - x 250 $24,990

This seed contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that help us lose weight, control cravings and ultimately to feel better, thanks to your Feeling full and its purifying properties.

Its consumption is recommended with water, to which you can add fruit or with soda and have different drinks that not only hydrate you, but are also delicious

Product description

Chia Seed also contains purifying and antioxidant properties, which help us eliminate fluids and toxins, preventing cellular oxidation. They also regulate the intestinal flora.

Content: chia seed

Packaging: Unit of 125 and 250 grams, which comes in half a dozen: 6 shots – Dozen: 12 shots

How is it consumed? For better absorption, it should be mixed in water, juices or drinks for about 20 minutes and then consumed with seeds included.

Shelf life: 12 months

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